Grave Robbers and War Steal Syria’s History

A recent article in the NY Times about the devastation of Syria’s historical treasures.   TELL MARDIKH, Syria — Ali Shibleh crawled through a two-foot-high tunnel until reaching a slightly larger subterranean space. He swung his flashlight’s beam into the dark. A fighter opposed to President Bashar al-Assad, Mr. Shibleh was roaming beneath Ebla, an … More Grave Robbers and War Steal Syria’s History

War in our time is always indiscriminate…

This is a different blog today and it is an appeal- Howard Zinn said “War in our time is always indiscriminate, a war against innocents, a war against children.” We at Caravan-Serai Tours and Salaam Cultural Museum have joined other international organizations in trying to help the innocent people of Syria: the women and children … More War in our time is always indiscriminate…

Syria Update, October 9, 2012

Syria Update, October 9, 2012 (Institute of Middle Eastern, Islamic and Strategic Studies. By Sherifa Zuhur) Early death toll: 106 were killed. Yesterday’s (Monday) revised death toll: More than 210 killed including 106 unarmed civilians. Insights: Casualties are again rising and bear in mind these death tolls underreport casualties which previously indicated a high rise … More Syria Update, October 9, 2012