Donated hats and mittens are getting a few smiles

These hats and mittens were made and donated to SCM for the Syrian children in Jordan. The weather has really turned nasty in the whole region and areas that have not had any recorded snow since recording began or that people can remember, are now experiencing snow and flooding rains.

Unfortunately the need is still great. A few photos below are from Lebanon where the camps there were hit hard with snow. Children are freezing to death in all the refugee camps across the region. I don’t want to sound overly dramatic or make anyone think this is an exaggeration to get people to donate more. It is the truth. There are people of all ages freezing to death and we are doing everything we can to help them. And we need your help, too.

Our blanket drive was a huge success and a container load of blankets and warm clothes are on their way to Jordan to help the Syrians there stay warm in this unusually cold winter. In addition to the container that is on its way right now, we also used cash donations to buy 240 blankets in Jordan and distributed them this last weekend. Thank you to all who have donated blankets, money for blankets, and time to sort! Cash is the fastest way to get the Syrian people warm blankets – cash donated today can be used to buy blankets where they are needed and distributed usually within only a few days. Please use the button to the right to donate to help keep the Syrian children warm this winter.

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